May 082010

My hand with butterfly strips once stitches were removed

My hand has almost healed after surgery end of March after a fall. My hand’s flexibility has come a long way after some concern I would have a “claw” hand forever. It’s meant a lot of patience and physical therapy.

As a matter of fact, my physical therapist told me yesterday that it might be the last time I would see them depending on what my surgeon says next week. This was a big deal. I was potentially graduating from physical therapy and go back to normal life, although the bones will take about two more weeks to fully heal.

The healing has meant most significantly that I can change my daughter’s diapers with both hands and can more adequately carry her. It’s also meant that I can type with both hands. I’ve never appreciated this as much as I do now! Right after the fall, I accepted new writing work and this past week, some more.

This means I now have deadlines to meet. It’s somewhat of an adjustment and maybe a little stressful, but a good stress. I think I thrive on deadlines and goals that need to be met. I’ve always had a strong drive to excel and have probably taken on too much at times in my life. I may need to watch for this, but for now, I feel revved up by taking on as much as I can.

Probably my biggest incentive to work as hard as I can working from home is to not have to see cube walls again. Maybe for me, wanting freedom, flexibility, and balance, the image of being in a cube is starting to feel like failure for what I want. I remain amazed at how telecommuting has still not taken become more of a norm in civilized society. There seem to be so many benefits for all parties, including the planet in less driving. Technology exists to do much from home.

I imagine that when my children are adults, there will be more “hubs” for telecommuters – places where people have occasional face-to-face meetings while the majority of work is done from home or wherever the individual desires. What should matter is the end result of work getting done, and not the geographic location of an individual.

My hand without strips

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