Oct 012009
Maya exploring finger foods at 7 months

Maya exploring finger foods at 7 months

My seven-month-old baby girl, Maya, has been going through an adventurous time lately.  It began with new-found discoveries in the exciting world of food and eating when she got a handle of the pincer grasp, where she could use two fingers to grasp food and bring it to her mouth (with increasing success).  It has been cute to watch small pieces of “o” shaped cereal be lifted up to her mouth, only to watch it fall to her lap.  At the end of a meal, she has to be dangled in the air to let all the food in her lap and elsewhere fall off.  I’ve felt so proud when the cereal or similar-shaped snack has made it to her mouth and even to her tummy.

Another not-so-amusing adventure has been with teething.  She has what seem to be two teeth emerging on the bottom of her mouth.  We have tried various remedies lately with differing success.  Last night, she woke up around 10pm and became inconsolable.  Besides giving her medicine, I held her, sang to her, nursed her (another adventure with new teeth!), changed her, gave her formula, and finally danced to jazz with her.  This seemed to soothe her somewhat and she babbled in bed with me, before becoming inconsolable again.  All this occurred after reading in the “What to expect” book about letting a baby this age “cry it out” for about 20 minutes so she knows how to put herself back to sleep and does not always expect all the things I did with her…***sigh***So it was with much sadness that I took her back to her crib, told her I loved her, turned on her mobile & aquarium, and walked back to my room, where I lowered the monitor and tried to relax listening to jazz and eventually used earplugs for a little while, watching the monitor as the light went up and down showing her crying.  I controlled myself from getting up and sure enough, after 20 minutes, the light was still, indicating she was asleep.  I crept into her room, and with much trepidation, managed to cover her more with a blanket without waking her up.  It was midnight by then, and I then began the task of trying to transition to sleep for myself.

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