Jan 122011

A relevant topic as the new year begins is goal-setting.  Many people make resolutions for the new year, but may not take that further by setting goals to actually reach them.

What are your resolutions?  How are you going to achieve these? What is your game plan?  When would you like to reach parts of your resolutions?  Is one of your resolutions regarding weight loss?  Maybe you could begin by setting an achievable amount as a goal with a doable time line.  For instance, deciding to try to lose a few lbs a month.

How will you achieve this?  What lifestyle changes will you make?  Maybe you could decide on a few simple changes, such as a glass of water before each meal.  Eventually, add other easy changes, such as an apple before a meal, having smaller more frequent meals, walking a few times a week and eating more salad.  Maybe sodas can gradually be eliminated.  Try adding mineral water to small juice amounts.

Small changes add up!  Decide what you will do different every week to reach your goals this year.

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