Feb 142012

Over the weekend, while multi-tasking as any mom must do, I started to cook by turning on the stove and placing a pot on the stove.  I was then going to put ingredients in, but the phone rang so I went to answer it.  In the meantime, my empty pot started heating up and I was distracted by my call.

Within a few minutes, I could smell fumes from the pot.  I put on ventilators, put could still smell it.  My daughter soon got up from her nap and complained of being tired and sick.  Later, she vomited.  It is possible she picked up a bug from preschool, but it is also possible she developed symptoms from the fumes of the non-stick cookware.

I had purchased a better cookware set within the year and was aware of not heating up an empty pot due to potential fumes.  At this point, I did not want to risk accidentally having this occur ever again.  After doing some research, I decided to go with cast-iron and purchased some reasonably-priced cookware from Target.  I will also use stainless steel and glass for baking.  I have some steel cookware and will eventually replace my bakeware.

Do the research for yourself and make the best choice for yourself.  There is much on-line regarding the topic.  I did not want to risk even the constant emmission from regular everyday cooking with teflon and potential carcinogenic effects.  The addition of extra iron from cooking on cast-iron was attractive and am beginning to love using the pans for their even controlled heating as well.

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