Mar 212010

Ann Curry from the Today show recently had a segment asking this question and sharing how she finds balance. When her Dr. asked the question of her, she responded that she found balance through her children and job. He told her that this would not be good enough, that we would all live more fulfilled and maybe longer lives if we can find our passions.

She said for her, that was taking pictures wherever she went.

Dealing With The Unexpected

 Finding balance, Philosophy, Self-Care  Comments Off on Dealing With The Unexpected
Mar 192010

I had some notes on my sofa table that I thought I’d get over to my desk in our finished basement. Mid-way down the stairs, near the turn, a wedge heal seemed to catch against the Berber carpet and I felt my self lose balance, literally, not metaphorically. I was conscious of trying to protect my head from the wall. In the process, my left hand ended up going backwards, in the direction our hands are not intended to go, with the weight of my body landing on it.

Mar 122010

This is chili with a kick. I entered it into my husband’s coveted chili cook-off at work today. I won 2nd place last year. Back then, I had by chance already made chili for the family when Porter had mentioned the contest.

Competitiveness and The Struggle for Balance

 Finding balance, Relationships  Comments Off on Competitiveness and The Struggle for Balance
Mar 092010

Recently, the topic of balancing individual activities with the rest of our lives came up in my marriage, as I imagine it does in most marriages. Especially when we have been single for a while and enter into marriage a little later, it can be an adjustment looking at the activities that have been a part of our lives and determining what will continue to be a part of our lives and what needs some modification at least.

Weekend trip to San Diego

 Travel, vacation  Comments Off on Weekend trip to San Diego
Mar 022010

My husband has a conference in San Diego this week, so it was a good opportunity for the family to get a little weekend break beforehand from the winter doldrums in Denver. The recent snow had kept us cooped up, so it was refreshing to see a different change of scene, especially one that is very Spring-like with all its greenery and flowers.

Feb 172010

I like to read about ways to improve myself, including the area of parenting. In the parenting world, building the self-esteem of my preteen son and one-year-old daughter is important to me. Here are some points I’ve gleaned: