Definition of autism being modified

 Autism, Children, Parenting  Comments Off on Definition of autism being modified
Jan 242012

There was an interesting article in The New York Times recently (published 1/19/12) about autism. According to the article, the definition of autism is being modified, which would mean some would not meet the criteria for the diagnosis.

How to avoid getting sick this winter

 Finding balance, Fitness, Self-Care  Comments Off on How to avoid getting sick this winter
Dec 262011

Getting at least 6-7 hours of sleep will allow your body to repair itself better and fight sickness. Make sleep a priority and do what you need to make sure you get enough. This might mean you need to cut down on alcohol, caffeine or sugar to sleep better. Make certain your environment and bed-time routine enables you to get the best sleep. Make sure to get enough sunshine daily to help your body have enough melatonin to help sleep.

Affirmations and meditation

 Finding balance  Comments Off on Affirmations and meditation
Dec 182011

According to Deepak Chopra, “daily affirmations are steps out of pain toward a higher reality.  We can become living memorials to tragedy by restoring the power of life.  You are that life, you are that power.   The true self contains the light that no darkness can attack.  Daily affirmations are steps out of pain […]

Diagnosing Autism

 Autism, Children, Finding balance, Motherhood, Parenting  Comments Off on Diagnosing Autism
Dec 122011

When I think about the path that led to my daughter’s diagnosis of high-functioning autism in July when almost 2 1/2, I am amazed at how random that path was. My husband happened to speak with a coworker who was getting some assistance for their child through Child Find. We wondered about Maya and had her evaluated with the organization when Maya was about 1 1/2. The results were primarily that there was a speech delay. She then began to see a speech therapist and occupational therapist. This service will end when she turns 3 in February. Soon she will have an evaluation to see if she qualifies for services through the district once she is 3.

Have a greener holiday season

 Environment, Green Living, Recycling, Spirituality  Comments Off on Have a greener holiday season
Dec 092011

A trend is for the holidays to be greener. That can include starting to use fabric instead of paper. I offer a variety of fabric gift bags to choose from through my boutique (contact me for specific styles), including some made from imported fabric. These are beautiful and gifts on their own that can be reused forever.

More reason to exercise

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Dec 022011

We’re in the midst of the holiday season and peak time for the most fattening cooking. I’m certainly guilty with my home-made chocolate fudge and chocolate chip bars made within the past week. I’m also aware of possibly the greater need for exercise at this time. A recent article from the New York Times provides even more reason to go to the gym or find other ways to burn those excess calories.

Sep 252011

Nothing spells comfort on a cool fall evening like a spinach pie – the delicious Middle Eastern spanakopita. It can be served well with salad or soup. I have tried different recipes including the following:

Learning About Autism

 Autism, Children, Finding balance, Motherhood, Parenting  Comments Off on Learning About Autism
Aug 282011

I started to learn about the neurological disorder autism when told my daughter may be on the spectrum. The disorder is not black and white and has a huge grey range or spectrum where one may fall. My daughter is fortunately on the high-functioning end. I hesitate to use the word “fortunate.”

An Unexpected Diagnosis

 Causes, Children, Personal Growth  Comments Off on An Unexpected Diagnosis
Jul 232011

We returned late the night of July 11 from Cancun, Mexico where we had vacationed for a week at the Riviera Maya. It had been an exhausting full day journey from the resort to our city of Denver, CO. The following day, we had an appointment to get feedback from our daughter Maya’s evaluation for autism, which we had just before leaving.