A Friend’s Trip to Elephant Nature Park – Part 2

 Finding Meaning, Finding Purpose, Giving, Personal Growth, Spirituality  Comments Off on A Friend’s Trip to Elephant Nature Park – Part 2
Oct 082010

“My first trip to ENP was in November 2009, for a week. There were about 30 volunteers and we were divided up into groups of two teams. The volunteers essentially help with the overall upkeep of the sanctuary and support of the elephants.

A Friend’s Memorable Volunteer Trip – Part 1 of 3

 Causes, Environment, Finding Meaning, Finding Purpose  Comments Off on A Friend’s Memorable Volunteer Trip – Part 1 of 3
Oct 042010

A friend that I met through the local vegetarian meet-up, Nasiya Amoroso, has impressed me with her volunteer efforts, along with those of her husband’s. This past Spring, she told me about a trip she was going to embark on to an elephant sanctuary that sounded particularly enticing.

Doing something here when disaster strikes there

 Causes, Children, Finding Meaning, Giving, Philosophy, Spirituality  Comments Off on Doing something here when disaster strikes there
Aug 282010

It is an interesting issue of perspective when disasters strike far from us and how much it impacts us here. Often times, it is the role of the media that plays a big part in how emotionally connected we feel. If the media does not discuss or show emotionally charged images of a disaster, people are less inclined to reach out.

Tuscan-style pasta with chickpeas, zuchhini and rosemary

 Cooking, Organic, Recipes, Vegetarianism  Comments Off on Tuscan-style pasta with chickpeas, zuchhini and rosemary
Jun 102010

To utilize the zucchini from my lovely bounty from Door to Door Organics recently, I found this dish in my “Vegan Planet” cookbook. It seemed healthy and well-rounded. There was protein from the chickpeas and everything, including the pasta, was organic.

Jun 032010

Sometimes I feel like my brain is constantly seeking potential SNL skits. My preteen son has joined me in this and sometimes when we are left alone, we come up with amusing scenarios. This occurred recently at a strip mall while my husband left to get a few items from a store, leaving me in the car with my son and toddler daughter. One of the shows I tease my son and sometimes my husband for watching is “Survivorman.”

May 262010

Just ordered a box of organic produce from Door to Door Organics. I’m looking forward to see what is delivered. On their site, they have a handy storage guideline for produce: