Top foods for Spring

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Apr 122010

These food choices can improve your body in and out.

Great foods for your:

  • liver:  dandelions – in salad or as tea – increases bile production
  • kidney:  ginger – helps remove toxins, also an anti-inflammatory
  • brain:  blueberries – lots of antioxidants
  • heart – flax seed: omega 3 fatty acids and protein
  • skin:  avocado – for a youthful glow
  • eyes:  spinach
  • hair:  broccoli – helps production of sebum, making our hair glossy
  • teeth:  celery – cleans teeth fights bad breath
  • sinus issues:  jalapeno
  • mood booster:  sunshine (and for vitamin D)

Stay away from processed food and keep it colorful!

Source:  The Doctors

Taking Care of Our Physical Health

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Aug 312009

It is remarkable how underestimated our physical health can be in determining our happiness level. If we are not getting enough sleep or getting the nutrients we need, our emotions can be affected. On the other hand, correcting our diet, sleeping well and exercising can do wonders for our state of mind.

We must make sure we are getting enough nutrients and vitamins such B12 to help our nervous system. If we have not been getting enough sleep, we must find out why and do something about it. Are we staying relaxed enough to fall asleep? Perhaps our diet is playing a role. Some people are sensitive to even 1 cup of coffee in the morning – it can stay in our system 12 hours. Me must keep sugar at a minimum and watch empty calories.