I don’t need you

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Jul 202022

To survive,

But want you

to thrive,

Feel with,

See with,

Hear with,

Share with,

Talk with,

Laugh with,

Play with,

Sing with,

Cry with,

Eat with,

Cook with,

Kiss with,

Dance with,

Snuggle with,

Explore with,

Travel with,

Be still with,

Be serious with,

Be silly with,

Be spiritual with,

Be intimate with,

Be passionate with,

Be sensual with,

Be sexual with,

Be mindful with,

Learn with,

Grow with,

Love with,

Experience with,

Walk alongside with.


10/13/2020 Pria Acharya

Nov 162016

You love me…

but only want a small piece of me,

the piece you accept and approve.

You love me,

but don’t see me.

You love me,

but don’t hear me.

You love me,

but would rather not be with me.

You love me,

but don’t know me.

You love me,

but you lie to me.

You love me,

but you betray me.

You love me,

but you lost me..


I have to let all of you go,

to find the love

that accepts all of me…