Resolutions and Goals

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Jan 122011

A relevant topic as the new year begins is goal-setting.  Many people make resolutions for the new year, but may not take that further by setting goals to actually reach them.

What are your resolutions?  How are you going to achieve these? What is your game plan?  When would you like to reach parts of your resolutions?  Is one of your resolutions regarding weight loss?  Maybe you could begin by setting an achievable amount as a goal with a doable time line.  For instance, deciding to try to lose a few lbs a month.

How will you achieve this?  What lifestyle changes will you make?  Maybe you could decide on a few simple changes, such as a glass of water before each meal.  Eventually, add other easy changes, such as an apple before a meal, having smaller more frequent meals, walking a few times a week and eating more salad.  Maybe sodas can gradually be eliminated.  Try adding mineral water to small juice amounts.

Small changes add up!  Decide what you will do different every week to reach your goals this year.

Jan 102010

“Each year gives us new reasons to celebrate, new journeys to begin.”-unknown

This lovely saying is from the front of a card I keep on the board above my workspace, where it is always visible.  It is also a very relevant saying as we begin the new year.  I have refrained from making any formal resolutions.  Instead, I try to be vigilant about any areas for improvement as they come up and take note to address.

January is International Life Balance Month (or quality of life month).  It’s a great time to reflect on your life and think about the areas you want to see progress on.  Maybe this will be the month and year that you do something about your passions.  Maybe there is even a way to turn a passion into a side venture that can turn into something full-time.  A recession can be viewed as an opportunity to really be doing something you want to be doing or at least make a start.  I feel passionate about writing and being an entrepreneur.  This year, I would like to go further with that interest.

What is holding you back?  What can be done to get out of a rut if you find yourself in one? I have another quote on my board in front of me:  “you will never really change your life until you change something you do daily.”  This is very true and we have to aspire to trying to make any change, as minor as it may seem, EVERYDAY.  Think about this everyday and be conscious of it.

Another quote I have on my desk, that I have had for many years, is by Henry David Thoreau on goals:  “If one advances confidently in the direction of their dreams, and endeavors to lead a life they have imagined, they will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”

I wish you all new journeys to begin and new reasons to celebrate.   Happy new year!