Passport Hell

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Jun 282011

My dual background

Recently, we planned a trip to the Maya Riviera area in Mexico.  We were excited about some beach time – it had been a while.  My kids and I have never been to Mexico.  Then I realized that my passport still had my maiden name, but the rest of my documents and my ticket were in my married name.  I had an extended visa in this passport, which I didn’t want to lose in a renewal.  I got various information, such as needing to contact the Indian embassy and also that I just needed to present both passports – the updated and the one with the visa.

I made an appointment with a local post office that processed passports, taking my toddler with me on May 19.  Although I could send in the paperwork, I wanted to make sure all documents were reviewed and that there would be no issues.  The appointment went smoothly and I was told I would not have to expedite the process (and pay more); there was plenty of time before my July 3 departure.  I was told I could check online regarding the status and could expedite later if needed.  This sounded reasonable.  It cost $110, whereas it would have been free had I processed the update within a year of marriage.

End of June approached and I did not receive my passport.  I looked online and called several times.  I was told it was in process and to call in a few days.  The agents could not give me details and finally sent a note to those processing it.  Then I got a letter on the 23rd stating an original marriage certificate was needed (apparently what I sent and was approved at the post office was a copy and not acceptable).  I called to determine my options.  I was ready and willing to overnight it, and pay for expediting, but wanted to make sure I would get it back in time, which I could not be assured of.

The final option was to start over and get a new passport with my local passport agency and get the passport within 72 hours.  It would cost $195.  I was able to get an appointment the following day.  I had a lengthy medical appointment for my daughter in the area, and was able to have my husband relieve me for the appointment time.  I was fortunately given credit for my previous payment and was charged $60 for expediting – although had I been informed of the need for the original, I could have sent it in and not started over.

Today, June 28, it finally got processed and is in my possession, just 4 days before departure!  Our upcoming trip is more of a reality now. It has been extra stressful trying to go on vacation!  The moral of this story for me is to not wait or delay on tasks like passport updates/renewals, etc. when you actually have a trip planned.  Don’t leave tasks on the back burner for long, as eventually, they may boil over if left unattended for too long!