Mar 212010

boatAnn Curry from the Today show recently had a segment asking this question and sharing how she finds balance.  When her Dr. asked the question of her, she responded that she found balance through her children and job.  He told her that this would not be good enough, that we would all live more fulfilled and maybe longer lives if we can find our passions.

She said for her, that was taking pictures wherever she went.  I can certainly relate to her interest and the concept that “photos capture moments and stop time.  They immediately say something about people, places and events.”  A friend of hers mentioned how it was a meditation focusing on everything around you.  Nice!

Photography brings me balance by allowing me to capture moments I can remember later.  As the family photographer, it connects me more to them.  I enjoyed studying black and white photography in college and look forward to developing the interest more.

Other every-day ways I find balance include cooking, cleaning (immediate sense of achievement!), organizing (helps me see more clearly), yard work (being outside, burning calories), and humor (watching a funny show like SNL with Porter).

The segment on the Today show suggested we all spend a day a week on what we love.  What a nice concept!  What would you do if you could take a day a week to spend on your interest?  Maybe we could start with at least a few minutes a day and build from there…