How to avoid getting sick this winter

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Dec 262011

One of the best tips to follow to avoid getting sick this winter is to focus on prevention.  That means building up your immune system as much as possible.  Other than building up your immune system, you must avoid contracting the viruses that can make you sick.  Following are steps to make sure your immune system is in the best condition and to avoid those germs.

1.  Keep your hands clean!

Make sure to wash your hands whenever possible and keep sanitizer handy.  Even when you are getting together with friends and family instead of going to the mall, you still need to make sure you keep your hands washed frequently and before eating.

2.  Stay hydrated!

Keeping your body hydrated with plenty of water keeps your system less susceptible to viruses.  Water is necessary for our body and mind to function at optimum level and most people don’t get enough.  It is an easy fix!  Always have some with you.

3.  Get enough sleep

Getting at least 6-7 hours of sleep will allow your body to repair itself better and fight sickness.  Make sleep a priority and do what you need to make sure you get enough.  This might mean you need to cut down on alcohol, caffeine or sugar to sleep better.  Make certain your environment and bed-time routine enables you to get the best sleep.  Make sure to get enough sunshine daily to help your body have enough melatonin to help sleep.

4.  Eat healthy

Eating a healthy diet will ensure that your body is getting all the supplements it needs to be healthy and have all the supplements it needs.  It never hurts to take supplements such as vitamin c and zinc as insurance, but keep in mind they do not replace eating well.  The holidays can pose a challenge to our efforts to eat well.  This might mean you need to eat healthy prior to an event or make a commitment to eat small portions of foods that do not help your immune system.

5.  Get enough exercise

Exercise reduces stress and maintains a stronger immune system, making you less prone to illness.  Get out there to burn some calories and boost your spirits at the same time.  Try yoga at home or partner up with a friend to take an aerobic class at your local gym.