The Need to Telecommute to Find Balance

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Aug 052009

An area I have come to feel passionate about is telecommuting.  When I worked in corporate America for many years, not being allowed to telecommute was a constant frustration while trying to raise my son.  It was hard to understand the logic behind spending at least two hours a day driving to and from work while my son spent from 6:30 am to 6 pm in daycare along with school.  Life felt like such a grind and I was like a rat on a treadmill.  I was also in school much of this time, getting an MBA, which made life even more challenging in terms of finding balance.  I knew that it was temporary and that someday I would begin to live the lifestyle I had imagined.

I am now starting to live a lifestyle where balance is a possibility.  I am trying to build work that I can do from home and can hopefully someday find profit in.  Eventually, it would be wonderful to have a profitable business that allows me flexibility while trying to nurture the lives of my family and home.  I could then stay off the treadmill and not feel like life is such a grind.

It is amazing that more has not already gotten accomplished in the area of telecommuting.  It seems there was some push for it a while back, but not much happened.  I know in my experience, I heard of the lack of trust management has for employees in getting work done.  This concern is not realistic in our high tech times.  If employees wanted to waste time, they could do so from their cubes as well.  No boss is standing over the shoulder of an employee to see what is being done.  What must be looked at is the end result.  Is work somehow getting done?  If so, then it doesn’t matter with what technological device or from where.

If employees work from home, the company is then able to save a bundle in facility costs, employees aren’t on the road causing accidents, fuel is saved, which also helps the environment, and everyone is happier!

Here’s a resource on the topic:  Telecommuting 101