Jun 252009

An observation I am making of my 2-year marriage (as of 7/7/09) is that the best I can do for it is to not take myself too seriously and keep things light.  My husband and I have been blessed with a good, similar sense of humor, and the more it is utilized, the closer and happier we are.  I also am realizing that the more grounded I keep myself by taking care of myself at different levels, I am able to give the best of myself to him.  I am also learning that I have to make an effort to keep the spark fresh between us, when it is easy to get wrapped up in family duties.

Another connecting area for us is an appreciation of tennis.  He has been playing much of his life and I am a beginner, along with my 11-year-old son.  It is nice sharing this passion as a couple and family.  It is a way to bond.  It will be a treat to watch our infant daughter eventually learn to play so that we can one day all play together.

Sometimes we are not able to spend much time together due to responsibilities or go away on our own.  We will be going to CA this weekend for a week as a family vacation and Anniversary celebration.  We will have to be creative and find opportunities to be a couple whenever possible, such as when the kids are sleeping.  Having separate rooms part of the trip will help.  It will also be important to find moments throughout the day to flirt, compliment, and just remind each other of our mutual attraction.

It has been said that in a successful marriage, you get up more than you fall down.  This marriage article points to other good tips on maintaining marital harmony:  CNN Article on Marriage

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